Saturday, February 8, 2014

Elements of Educational Technology

Elements of Educational Technology

This week's assignment to read and write about the elements of the definition of educational technology was challenging.  It was not because of writers block, but more that there are so many vital elements that make up the definition.  This assignment however, opened my eyes to my own approach to implementing technology. I've become more aware of the facilitating element and how I can't just focus on the use of one tool. It's vital to me and my students to always be looking for more technological tools to incorporate, if not at least practice. Technology is always changing and therefore it's essential to adapt along with it.


  1. Make sure you make this document visible to anyone with the link and then allow me with my editing rights. We cannot view the document.

  2. This should have been fixed. I'm sorry it took me a little longer to respond. We lost power yesterday and my wife lost two family members yesterday. Please keep her in your prayers as it's been hard on her losing an uncle and a nephew.
